Video Series
How do you make your customers feel genuinely connected to their food? Give them a view into its humble, wholesome origins. A combination of savvy cinematography, scenic vistas, and true salt of the earth people came together to craft an honest ode to an authentic story. The end result: a video series as fresh as blueberries off the vine.

Step One
Norpac was losing market share to big-brand rebaggers and approached us to help them regain ground with wholesale customers by capitalizing on their authentic story. How better to win over consumers than introduce them to the families behind the broccoli on their dinner plates?

Step Two
As usual, the simplest solution was the best… do what the rebaggers couldn’t and tell the stories of the real men and women behind the food. The result is a day in the life video series that creates an empathetic response and gives meaning to the consumer’s everyday vegetable purchase.

We always try to take very good care of what we have, and make it better than how we found it to pass on to the next generation.
tom fessler Woodburn, Oregon NorPac Grower